Third Graders Share Difference Maker Presentations
Third graders shared presentations about individuals who have made a difference in the community and the world on Friday, Jan. 24.
Family, friends and students gathered in the auditorium to watch the third grade class give short presentations, the final product of a research project on difference makers. Each third grader selected a person from the past or present who has made a difference to their community, country or the world. During their presentations, they described the positive impact of their subject and described struggles and adversity that their person overcame in order to make that impact. Each third grader explained why their difference maker inspires them personally, and ended with an inspirational quote from them. Not only was this an opportunity to work on the skill of public speaking, but to be an attentive and supportive audience member for their classmates.
Students chose a wide variety of difference makers from past and present. Presentation subjects included well-known historical and political figures such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln as well as athletes from past and present including Jackie Robinson, Simone Biles and Patrick Mahomes. Some students chose difference makers in science and technology fields including physicist Marie Curie, pilot Amelia Earhart and astronaut Mae Jemison.
Along with their research and presentations on difference makers in the world, the third grade class got to be difference makers themselves. Last week, they helped sort and package personal hygiene products for nonprofit organization Giving the Basics. They also made over 100 dog and cat toys and donated them to Wayside Waifs.
Third Grade Difference Makers is the culmination of a multi-disciplinary unit about leadership and achievement that combines research, writing, public speaking and other skills.