The Barstow School celebrated Tree Day, an gathering of alumni, families, faculty and staff that supports campus beautification and improvements, on Thursday, April 27.
During Tree Day, preschool students and "lifers," graduating seniors who have attended Barstow for at least 13 years, plant a tree together. During this year's program, seniors also read selections of creative writing by former students, published in the 1913 edition of the "Weathercock," Barstow's annual yearbook. Barstow Singers and the third and fourth grade choirs also performed under the direction of Kristi Mitchell and Dr. Josh Markley.
More than 100 people made close to 65 honorary and memorial gifts to The Barstow Fund and the Elizabeth Scarritt Adams Endowment. Brian Whitfill and Rebecca Evans, parents of Luke Whitfill '22 and junior Joseph Whitfill, donated this year's tree; it is also symbolic of the tree given in memory of Jacques and Antonia Hyvrard.
Friends and classmates of the late Janet Redheffer Russell '42 donated a Bourbon rose in her memory. After her graduation from Barstow, Mrs. Russell served as Student recruitment Chair for 12 years and was named Outstanding Alumnae of the Year in 1993 for her many contributions of the school.
Tree Day dates back to Barstow's Westport and Cherry Street campuses. The ceremony, a favorite tradition every school year, ends with the students and audience singing "Standards High" together. See the photos here or watch again on Livestream.