Leadership Announcement

Soni Patel
I am writing to share an important announcement regarding the leadership of The Barstow School. Mr. Foster, our President, has informed the Board of Trustees that he will retire at the conclusion of the 2024-2025 school year. This news brings a mixture of emotions as we prepare to celebrate his remarkable career and begin the search for his successor. Notably, he is the second-longest serving leader in the history of our school, following only our founder, Mary Louise Barstow.

Mr. Foster's journey in education spans over four decades, with the last 17 years dedicated to leading The Barstow School. Under his leadership, our institution has seen substantial growth and achievement. Enrollment has increased by approximately 30%, significantly enhancing our community and enriching our campus life.

Financially, Mr. Foster has overseen a tremendous increase in our endowment, growing it from $6 million to almost $20 million. His efforts have also been pivotal in the successful completion of major building and fundraising campaigns, including the Dan and Cassidy Towriss IDEA Space KC, the Early Childhood Playground, the new athletic center, and the second drive into the school. These facilities have not only transformed our campus but have also expanded the opportunities available to our students, a testament to the strength and growth of our community.

Beyond infrastructure, Mr. Foster has been instrumental in enhancing the safety and security of our campus. Hiring three dedicated safety officers, installing an advanced security system, and creating positions for three social-emotional counselors are testaments to his commitment to our community's well-being. His leadership during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic exemplified his dedication to ensuring that education continued seamlessly and safely.

Mr. Foster has also played a crucial role in elevating Barstow's stature as a leading educational institution locally and internationally. The introduction of Barstow Global Online and the expansion of our global campus programs have added significant financial resources and brought diverse cultural perspectives to our Kansas City campus.

As we reflect on Mr. Foster's tenure, we are deeply appreciative of his unwavering leadership, his entrepreneurial spirit, and his commitment to making Barstow a place of excellence that is accessible to all families. His leadership style—marked by grace and determination—has ensured that Barstow School remains at the forefront of innovative and inclusive education.

We are confident in our ability to find a worthy successor who can continue the legacy and path that Mr. Foster has forged. Further details will be shared with our community as we progress in this journey, and we look forward to the exciting future that lies ahead.

Please join me in expressing our deepest gratitude to Mr. Foster for his invaluable contributions to The Barstow School. We look forward to honoring his legacy throughout the next school year.

Warm regards,
Soni Patel, Chair
Barstow Board of Trustees