President Search Advisory Committee Announced

Tiffany Simpson, Search Committee Chair
Greetings Barstow Family,

I'm here again, this time with the pleasure of announcing the members of our community who have agreed to serve on the President Search advisory committee. This group will aid the search committee in our selection of the next leader of The Barstow School. They represent many different aspects of our community and are excited to help us shape Barstow's future. 
Primarily, the advisory committee will help to interview and provide hospitality to our finalist candidates when they are on campus. They will also help to keep us in the know about what is on your minds, as we plan for ongoing communication about the process and transition of the next Barstow President.
A reminder to those who have met André Withers and Carol Santos from Educators Collaborative and a new announcement to others: there will be opportunities for all faculty and staff to interface with finalist candidates. The finalist candidate visit schedules will include at least two days on campus, with the advisory committee interview as one part of their time at Barstow.
I hope you will join me in warmly thanking our advisory committee for agreeing to give their time and expertise to help us with this all-important process and endeavor.
Let's go, Knights!
Tiffany Simpson, P '27, '28, '33

Advisory Committee Members

  • David Franz '05, Alumni Board President
  • Lindsay Dutton, Barstow Parents' Association President
  • Amanda Morgan King, Past Trustee
  • Dr. David Cramer, Upper School Faculty and Director of Academics
  • Lisa Tillema, Middle School Faculty
  • Brooke Thompson, Lower School Faculty
  • Kimberly Vasquez, Early Childhood Faculty
  • Kristi Mitchell, Lower School Music Faculty
  • Sarah Tulp, Lower School Administrative Assistant
  • David Muhammad, Dean of Students and ID+E Co-Director
  • Tiffany Simpson, Search and Advisory Committee Chairs